Tips on water conservation for adults

Tips on water conservation for adults

  1. Run the dishwasher only once it is fully loaded with dishes. Use the shortest cycle or use a water-conserver cycle.
  2. Wash only full loads in your washing machine.
  3. Ensure you turn off taps tightly to avoid leaky faucets.
  4. One leak can waste several thousand litres of water per year therefore ensure you fix leaky faucets immediately.
  5. Lead by example and inspire the kids by taking shorter showers. Cutting an 8-minute shower into half saves 30 litres of water everyday. 
  6. Reduce water usage by 25% by using low-flow shower heads or adjustable flow-reducer devices on shower heads.
  7. Don’t use running water to thaw food. Defrost by either leaving it out or placing the food in the refrigerator.
  8. By installing a high efficiency shower head you could save about 3.7 litres of water per minute. 
  9. Since older toilets use up to 4 times more water per flush, replacing them with a WaterSense-labeled high-efficiency toilet will help save this precious resource. Some water providers offer a rebate to help save money when you upgrade.
  10. Lawns and gardens can be watered every 3 to 5 days as lawns need only 5 millimetres of water per day during warm weather. 
  11. Water lawns either in the morning or in the evening to avoid evaporation.
  12. Avoid turning on sprinklers all day long – use shut-off or on-off timers.