Make camp a unique Adventure for your children

Make camp a unique Adventure for your children

Summer is finally here, for both adults and children, and many parents decide to send their children in a camp.

Children could gain a lot from an experience like that as they could socialize and become more independent and thus gain more self-confidence.

There are a lot of children, though, who find it hard to separate from their families. They usually call their parents to take them back home sooner than the scheduled day, while others may not even get off the ‘separation’ car!








Have you ever heard of “The Hero’s Journey”?

Well, in short, it’s a common story structure about an inexperienced man going to a new adventure and, after passing various stages, he returns home as a HERO!

The point (nudge) is, make the camp-vacation of your children a unique adventure like the Hero’s journey. That nudge will give them the motivation and pride that’s needed to accomplish all the steps and return back home with confidence and a lot of stories to tell!

What you have to do is make a board or a checklist and give it to your camper so that he/she will check every day and “level-up” (like most of the games kids play), until he/she reaches the final step of “The Return Home/Return with Elixir”!

Here are the most common 12 steps of a ‘Hero’s Journey’:


The great thing here is that you can adjust this nudge based on your creativity and your kid’s preferences! You can name the stages or make some illustration based on their beloved superheroes, athletes, artists etc.

Check the following examples and…Have fun!